1. Search the Proj4js format on Spatial Reference:
Ex: European Datum 1950
2. Torna indietro e aggiungi il nuovo sistema di riferimento in TWCC:
3. Utilizzi frequentemente questo sistema di riferimento?
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TWCC, "The World Coordinate Converter", is an Open Source tool to convert geodetic coordinates in a wide range of reference systems.
Several coordinate conversion tools already exist, however, here is what makes the strength of TWCC:
TWCC was created by Clément Ronzon following research and development carried out for GrottoCenter.org.
Special thanks to: Roland Aigner, Alessandro Avaro, Leszek Pawlowicz, Lê Vi?t Thanh, Ahmed Qatar.
For any questions or suggestions please contact us.
You can donate to support this initiative.
ContattaciCi affidiamo al generoso contributo degli utenti di TWCC per continuare a gestire e migliorare questo sito gratuitamente.
Il vostro contributo può fare la differenza.